Chantal Akerman, from here
by Gustavo Beck and Leonardo Luiz Ferreira

2010 / English / Documentary / 61min / HD / Color
Enquadramento Produções | Filmes do Beck
DIRECTORS Gustavo Beck and Leonardo Luiz Ferreira
WRITER Leonardo Luiz Ferreira
PRODUCER Leonardo Mecchi
SOUND MIXER Eduardo Psilva
FILM EDITOR André Mielnik
FidMarseille - Festival International du Documentaire de Marseille (France) Vienalle – Vienna International Film Festival (Austria)
Festival de Cinema Luso-Brasileiro de Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal)
Special Jury Award
Critic's Award
Special Jury Award
BAFICI (Argentina)
Festival Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay
Encuentro Latinoamericano de Cine de Lima (Peru)
Festival Internacional de Cine de Valdívia (Chile)
Cinema Verité – International Documentary Film Festival (Iran)
Festival Les Écrans Documentaires (France)
Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival
Split Film Festival (Croatia)
Bande(s) à Part (France)
Festival de Cinema de Gramado
Forumdoc.BH – Festival do Filme Documentário e Etnográfico
FAM – Festival Audiovisual Mercosul
Mostra CineBH
Amazônia DOC – Festival Pan-Amazônico de Cinema
Semana dos Realizadores
Mostra do Filme Livre
FEMINA – Festival Internacional de Cinema Feminino
Curta Cabo Frio
An interview video.
Gustavo Beck was born in 1982 in São Paulo, Brazil. He earned a degree in Cinema & Film Studies from the Escuela Internacional de Cine y Television, Cuba. He directed the documentaries O Arquipélago (2014), O Inverno de Željka (2012), Chantal Akerman, from here (2010), Sandro's House (2009) and Ismar (2007). His films screened at festivals such as FIDMarseille, Cinéma du Réel, CPH:DOX, Viennale or Locarno as well as at key Latin American festivals like BAFICI, FICUNAM and FICValdivia. The films also showed in museums like the Guggenheim Museum in New York or the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Recently, retrospectives of his work were presented at select festivals and institutions, most notably at La Cinémathèque Française. Since 2014, Gustavo Beck is the Head of Programming of Olhar de Cinema - Curitiba International Film Festival, Brazil. He is also a member of the Selection Committee for Cinéma du Réel in France, a member of the Selection Committee for IndieLisboa in Portugal and previews Latin American films for the International Film Festival Rotterdam in The Netherlands.
Leonardo Luiz Ferreira is a journalist, film critic, and filmmaker. Member of the Film Critics Association of Rio de Janeiro, he has been working for 17 years as a film critic, with stints in several vehicles - including Paisà magazine and - and collaborations in Variety magazine, Contracampo and Jornal do Brazil. In addition, he edits and coordinates film catalogs, such as David Lynch: O Lado Escuro da Alma, Tsai Ming-liang, o Homem do Tempo, Irmãos Coen: Duas Mentes Brilhantes and Kusturica. He was also jury in several film festivals (Cinesul, Rio Film Festival and Havana Film Festival) and participated in debates on TV Brazil, Caixa Cultural, and CCBB. He co-organized the book John Carpenter: O Medo é só o Começo (Ed Bookmaker). He is the co-director of the film Chantal Akerman, from here, exhibited in over 35 national and international festivals, including FIDMarseille, BAFICI and Viennale and also of the TV series Cinema de Bordas (Canal Brazil, 2013). In 2014, he programmed the retrospective O Cinema de Nicolas Klotz: A França dos Excluídos in CAIXA Cultural / RJ, among other works. Director and producer of the short film Paisagem Interior (2014) and the feature film NK + EP (2015), which documents the passage of the filmmakers Nicolas Klotz and Elisabeth Perceval in Rio de Janeiro.