Caraiba Brothers
by Eduardo Morotó

(in development)
Enquadramento Produções | Taquary Filmes
DIRECTOR Eduardo Morotó
WRITER Eduardo Morotó
PRODUCERS Leonardo Mecchi e Alexandre Taquary
BrLab CoPro (Brazil)
Northeastern teenager João Caraíba, who recently arrived in Baixada Fluminense, becomes a busboy at a restaurant run by his brother Luís. When he finds himself exposed to xenophobia, João gets into a fight and ends up being attacked by Luís. Taking advantage of the guilt that takes over his older brother’s mind, João begins to manipulate him. Together, they devise a plan to extinguish the oppressive environment that has given rise to it all.
Eduardo Morotó has made six short films and one feature, amassing more than 85 awards. Noteworthy among his short films are Blue Exile (Breakthrough Award at Festival de Curtas de São Paulo); I Should Never Return (Best Director at Festival de Brasília); When We Die At Night (Best Short Film at Mostra de Tiradentes); and All These Days When I Am A Foreigner (Best Short Film at Festival do Rio). His first feature, Death Inhabits At Night, was selected for the festivals of Rotterdam, Viña Del Mar, Havana, and Rio, among others.